Bloomington Montessori School knows that strong partnerships with families, the community, and other professionals are key to student success. The more we work together as a team, the more students thrive. That is why BMS values regular communication with parents, builds teams for student support, and works to communicate important information about Montessori pedagogy and the school. The more we can build alignment, the stronger our team.
In our resources, you will find everything from important events (where you can download a Google calendar that automatically reflects changes throughout the year), information for current families, details about our student services and working as a team to meet children's needs, information about our nutrition programs, public documents such as board meeting minutes, and more.
The Resource Library houses school information such as handbooks, overviews of BMS curriculum and pedagogy, and resources from past parent forum events. Wish something was available that you don't see? Reach out to Quinn at