Early Childhood
(Preschool-Kindergarten, ages 3-6)
Bloomington Montessori offers half-day and all-day Early Childhood programs. Half-day options include morning or afternoon sessions, with an optional lunch program add-on. Tuition information can be found here. Please see below for daily schedules for each program:
All-day classrooms (Sweetgum and Magnolia) are open from 8am-5:30pm. Morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack are included. The all-day schedule consists of a whole-group meeting with activities, morning and afternoon Montessori work periods (choice time, lessons, group and solo activities), rest time, and multiple opportunities to play outside.
Morning half-day class (Hickory) opens at 8:15am. Due to the shortened day, it is important for children to be at school by 8:30am. A morning snack is provided. The day consists of a whole-group meeting with activities and one Montessori work period (choice time, lessons, group and solo activities). Pick-up is between 11:15-11:30am, with an option to stay for lunch and pick up between 12:15-12:30pm.
Afternoon half-day class (Hickory) opens at 12:15pm and children should arrive by 12:30pm to begin their day at school. An afternoon snack is provided. The day consists of a whole-group meeting with activities and one Montessori work period (choice time, lessons, group and solo activities). Pick-up is between 3:15-3:30pm. There is an option to arrive early for lunch (drop-off between 11:15-11:30am to participate in lunch).
For detailed schedules for each classroom, please see classroom pages.
Plane of Development:
Three- to six-year-olds are in the plane of development known as the Absorbent Mind. This is a period of intense mental activity for children in which they are like sponges, absorbing everything around them. It is a time to focus on modeling, opportunities for exploration, and rich environments. The teacher acts as a guide to facilitate a child’s connection to learning opportunities.
During the beginning of a child’s journey in the Early Childhood classroom, he or she will spend time focusing on foundational skills for learning such as order, coordination, concentration, and independence. These abilities will empower and fuel future learning; taking the time to build these strong foundations is a valuable investment. As children move toward kindergarten, they have these tools for effective learning and begin focusing on the full spectrum of learner outcomes: independence and autonomy, confidence and competence, intrinsic motivation, academic preparation, social responsibility, and spiritual awareness.
All of this work is completed in the context of freedom within limits, choices, hands-on experiences, movement, and social learning.
Teachers carefully observe students as they work, and individualize lessons and experiences based on the readiness and interests they demonstrate.