Curriculum Guides

The Montessori curriculum covers a breadth of information, in three-year multi-age cycles. We are not standards-based. We meet each child where they are, communicating with students' teams around goals and progress. The BMS Curriculum Guides (full school, or divided by age group) are meant to communicate general goals for each classroom level (Early Childhood, Lower Elementary, and Upper Elementary) and overview the curriculum content for families. Some children will exceed these goals. Some children may not master all of these goals during their time in the classroom, even with extra support. The vital focus is communication around expectations, progress, challenges, and achievements with families, all members of a child's teaching team, other involved professionals, and transitioning partners. In progress reports (sent quarterly), families will not see grades; elementary work is given notes for revision, not scores. Instead, families see a child's current level of mastery within a concept (from exceeding goals to needing extra support), as well as a narrative written by the teacher regarding observations of the child's current stage of development and progress toward learner outcomes. The links below will take you to documents offering detailed overviews of the BMS curriculum.

Please download our Curriculum Guides below.

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