Student Services
Dr. Montessori was a scientist, committed to observing student needs and designing supports for their success. Here at Bloomington Montessori, we have a robust Student Services multi-tiered system designed to help us meet individual student needs to the best of our ability. All students receive individualized support such as small-group and one-on-one lessons, a mastery-based curriculum, formative assessment with targeted lessons designed to meet students where they are and scaffold them toward optimal learning, partnerships with families for 360-degree support, progress-tracking, holistic needs assessment, and more. Children who thrive within these typical classroom accommodations are considered "Tier One" students.
For children who need additional help from classroom teachers or accommodations to the classroom environment, schedule, expectations, etc. teachers team with parents to create individualized accommodations. Administrators may join the team to add extra resources and support for the classroom teachers and to help design formal Accommodation Plans for interventions/accommodations, team communication, progress-tracking, and more. Student teams may meet more often. These students are considered "Tier Two" students.
For children that need support beyond what the classroom environment is able to provide, Tier Three supports include bringing in outside experts to support the family and student, or helping the family connect with outside resources such as medical professionals. This may include an evaluation through the local school district by a school psychologist to identify disabilities such as academic, behavioral, or cognitive differences. This further expands the student's team, bringing together professionals such as special education teachers, OT/PT consultants, teachers, families, family partners such as outside therapists or medical professionals, and more. We come together to try everything we can to help the student thrive at Bloomington Montessori School, and partner with families and other professionals for effective holistic support of the child.
If you would like to read our complete Student Services Guide, click the button below.